You wake up still tired from yesterday's list and completely overwhelmed by the idea of having to do it all again today?
You have a list of things to do but are running around putting out everyone else's "fires"?
You are heading to bed and you cannot honestly say ONE thing that you accomplished?
"Everyone needs this in their lives!"
"Before this I would not have known WHERE to find my calendar let alone know if I was available on that date!"
"30-minutes a week is giving me back hours of time!"
LIVE Weekly Planning Sessions
Trainings, tools and templates on demand in your membership portal!
Community of women who support, encourage and pray for you!
And so much more!
You are wanting a change AND you are ready for that change to happen!
You want to go to bed so you can rest well!
You are serious about living out the life God gave you to the fullest!
You are coachable and willing to make changes to better YOUR life and those you love lives too!
You are looking for a "magic wand" to make your life easier.
You feel you are not important enough to reach YOUR goals
You would rather complain you are tired and can't get all the "things" done.
You have no desire to follow through on the dreams God has set for you.
a wife
a mom
a friend
a sister
an aunt
a leader
an entrepreneur
a consistency coach
a holistic wellness coach
an accountability & productivity coach
I am here to share that I have been where YOU are!
Seriously - just 6 years ago I was exhausted and totally out of my depth as I struggled with overwhelm. My husband was on an 18-month training {away from home}, I had 2 kids in middle school and I was working a job that was not only full time but I was literally "available" 24/7! I was exhausted, didn't know up from down let alone what day it actually was.
Working through that experience, I have learned that if I take the few minutes to plan out my time, I not only accomplish more in my day but I reach my goals so much quicker than if I allowed my day to just happen and BONUS! It cut down on my overwhelm and frustration too!
If I had only known what the future held for me then...
Well – let’s just say being able to bring focus and intention to my day with the plan that worked for me has changed everything for me & I am now truly passionate about sharing the “magic” with others!🪄
You will have access to all of the materials as long as you are an active paying member.
Yes, there is an Exclusive Private Facebook Group just for this community! Dawn is active in there along with all current members.
You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our Exclusive Facebook group within 24 hours of requesting membership. IF you do not see the email, please reach out to [email protected]
Yes, you can cancel this membership any time.
Email [email protected] and we will get you taken care of.
Check out Accountability Coaching with Dawn for an add-on. Sign up for a FREE Connection Call with Dawn HERE.
Dawn is active in the Facebook group and LIVE weekly planning zooms. If you are looking for more personalized coaching, click HERE to look at Accountability Coaching with Dawn which includes the Freedom Focused Formula Membership!
If you’ve still got questions for me or want to chat, please email me anytime! [email protected] I would love the chance to chat further, no pressure, I promise!
Exclusive Facebook Group
Prayer Outreach
2024. All Rights Reserved.